
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Wow...Can't believe I won !!!!! Just shows what entering every day can do for you!!! Thanks Prizegrab!! - Joseph F.
Oh Wow ! I Won for real šŸ˜³ Thanks Prizegrab ! Teresa Roch NY - Teresa L.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Barbara Brunk
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Robert Hull
Oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much, Ive played for years and always read the stories of people winning being so happy for them and here I am... I opened my email telling me I won! Iā€™m so excited and definitely going to keep entering to win! Thank you so very much... I really appreciate you all doing these for us to enter and win! Woot woot šŸ¤— Sabrina - Sabrina H.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been entering for 656 days and was beginning to wonder if I'd ever win. We have a much needed shed about to collapse. This is going to help with the shed replacement. - Susan A.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Ron Pothoven
$10.00 Gift Card
Daryl Washington
This is a GREAT surprise!!! Thank you so much!!! - Pamela C.
Thank you! JZ - Janelle Z.
I thought this was a scam and that I'd never win after a long time of entering every prize, every day... I actually gave up for a month or two not entering at all, then just recently started to enter again only thru emails...then long behold whatcha know, get an email saying I won $77.77! One of the lowest of all cash prizes, but I'll take it, better than nothing or not winning at all. Once I get the actual prize money, hopefully with very little hoops to jump thru, I will be a full believer! šŸ‘ - Lonnie R.
I really enjoy playing games. This one is fun... - William M.
Thanks for the chance to win prizes will play every day for opportunity . William - William P.
As a long standing member of "PrizeGrab" I'm so happy to have finally won! There's no doubt that without "PRIZEGRAB" I never would have had this opportunity! Thank YOU PRIZEGRAB and the ENTIRE TEAM! - Mark R.
So happy to be a winner. Thank you very much. - Jayne V.
Thank you - Dwana R.
Thanks for the notification. I am happy to be a winner. - Yancey S.
OMG - THANKS!! - Robert R.