
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Iam so HAPPY I am telling my Dog that I won !! Thank YOU !! - REXFORD N.
Thank you. - Carolyn G.
I was so happy to see my name on the winner's list. Thank you Prize Grab!! - Helene R.
Thanks a lot for the money $10 is more than nothing and it may be a start of winning much more. Again thanks - Sharon S.
After playing the games everyday day it's like a kid on Christmas morning when you notice your name in the winners list. - Dennis S.
What a wonderful surprise , thank you. - Ervin L.
Thanks for your website. - Sam M.
Thanks Guys!! If you look at my account, I've been entering here "FOR EVER" and have thousands of entry's and points. Finally, a win! Will take hubby out to dinner! Ann - Ann S.
Thank you, so very much! - Lori B.
Woo Hoo !! I'm the WINNER I'm the WINNER ! Thanks Prize Grab Team ! You're AWESOME! - Ed M.
Thanks for the prize! Very happy to win - Bob O.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. So exciting to be a winner. I play every day. - Kathleen D.
$10.00 Gift Card
Scott Belyea
thank you so much prizegrab. - Gene R.
I am so excited!!! I have been dedicated and playing, maxing out every prize for over 2 years!! This is so wonderful, thank you so much!!! - Annmarie S.
$10.00 Gift Card
Murry Huizingh
Amazing! Surprising! Thank you. My first win on Certainly made my day. Carhy - Cathy N.
Thank you for the price. First time ever that I won anything. Playing Prize Grab for years but never won anything. Mary - Mary H.