
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
fantastic!!! - Ron P.
Always fun to win!!! Thankyou - Steven M.
I look forward to playing everyday. Thank you - Jennifer T.
i knew i would win something if i kept sending entries. i hope i win some of the other prizes i enter into. thanks. - Arness R.
Thanx a bunch!!! - Patricia S.
So excited....yea!!!!!!! - Sharon S.
$10 Starbucks Gift Card
Jim Postell
Thank You! Appreciate it. - Thomas D.
thank you so much. I live about 60 miles from the closest starbucks so I hope I am able to go visit there soon. If not I will have to share it with a friend of mine who visits his daughter there often. - Sue W.
Thank you all very first time winning anything!! Thanks again! - Toni W.
So surprise I won anything,thanks - Jacqueline S.
Thank you. - Edith P.
Now I can pay for a new clicker finger. Prize Grab keeps me off the streets...I really needed that refrigerator Thanks. If it wasn't even a little fun I wouldn't do .it And did I mention the fridge? - Andy K.
Thank you so much. You made me smile! - Patti W.
Hooray! I play everyday and I am so excited to have won. I plan to keep playing and hope to keep winning. Thank you Prizegrab! John Foley Groton, Ct. - Johnny F.
$10 Starbucks Gift Card
Douglas Henke
I'm very excited to win something! Thank you so much! - Stacy B.