
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
I am very grateful to be a recipent of one of your great prizes. Thank you. - Pamela G.
This is my first win from prize grab .Love it .hope to win again ! - David W.
Thank You so much! I rarely win anything! Prize grab has the best prizes! I enjoy playing! - Michael B.
Thank you so much....I love you guys!! - Carol W.
Thank u very sick right now happy to get something good - Susie K.
This is Great ! Thank You. - Dennis G.
$10 Starbucks Gift Card
Joyce Cavallo
$10.00 Gift Card
Kelly Hill
Thank you so much for having all of these wonderful prizes! This win makes me more confident that winning is possible, and I hope to be able to win another amazing prize in the future! I am currently unable to work due to chronic vestibular migraine and 24/7 dizziness, so anything helps my husband and I out as we are barely getting by on his salary. Plus these prizes give me excitement in my day. Every morning I love opening the e-mail to find out if I won, it gives me something to look forward - Jessie M.
$50 Gift Card
Heather Sinclair
WOW, I can't believe I finally won. I've been a member on this site since July, 2016, but didn't get real active until earlier this year. I can really use this after dealing with the loss of so much food due to Hurricane Michael. Thank you so much Prize Grab Team and I look forward to many more wins. - Christine R.
I'm so glad I finally won a prize from PrizeGrab. I would love to win a big money prize next. Please pick me. - Theresa M.
Thank you so much for choosing me as a winner. I was about to give up playing. - Sandralee S.
Thank you I don't know if I will be able to use this prize, but if I can't I will give it to somebody that can. I am assuming that this is a special store that we don't have in this area. I am enjoying playing prize grab and really hoping to win the $25,000, which would change and save my family. - Diana W.