
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Omg.. What a great way to start morning seeing I won .. And A great start to the new week.. I'm beyond thrilled.. I love playing .. Thanks so much.. Woot,Woot - LeeAnn W.
$10 Gift Card
Debbie McCann
$10 Gift Card
Mike Schneider
Wow! I can't believe I won! That's amazing! Thank you so much Prizegrab!!! - Lalanya R.
Thank you!! I have been wanting to win something from Prizegrab for about a year and a half...and today is that day. I'm an so happy that I won. Thank you for giving away so many prizes. Cathy - Cathy B.
I am so excited!! I play every day. If I do not play, that means there is some kind of Earth shattering emergency that I cannot get to my computer. Thank you very much. - Kathleen D.
Thank you for the prize it was a wonderful surprise - George G.
Thank you - Philip R.
Thank you so much! You guys rock!! - Sara B.
Wow that's so awesome!! Its a $10 gift card for amazon and i just had fun TO win it!! You guys ROCK THANK YOU FROM THIS VERY TIRED SINGLE MOM OF 5 FROM ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO!! IT MEANS ALOT TO ME EVEN IF ITS NOT A BIG PRIZE 😊☺ - Marissa R.
yea!!!!! I won I can do some repairs to my home - Dorothea B.
Wow! This is great! I've been playing for awhile. Thank you - Alice K.
$10 Gift Card
Mary Bohart
YIP, HIP, HOORAY! LAST TIME I WON SOMETHING, I WAS 12 YEARS OLD, AND IT WAS A "RIGSHAW", and I had to ride every other neighbor smaller than me around the neighborhood! WOW, I AM NOW 65 YEARS OLD, SO $1.30/year is worth waiting for. THANK YOU 🙏 - Danele D.
Oh my! A prize for me? I finally won after over a year! Thank you so much. You just made my day! <3 😍 - Pamela D.
OMG, finally I won since I have been a member in Oct 13, 2016 and I have been playing daily, over 153,162 total entries! This is my first time I have won at Prize Grab! This is a big help! THANK YOU so much! I look forward to win a big prize - Choo C. - Choo C.
I am so happy I finally won something. - Jennifer G.
$10 Starbucks Gift Card
Mary Suffia
I'm so excited to be a 2nd time winner at Prize Grab! I love maxing out as many entries as possible each day! - Jessie M.
Thank you! - Rebecca R.