
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
A Bonus Jackpot, Hallelujah, THANK YOU - Bobby H.
$50 Cash
Staci Walton
$10 Starbucks Gift Card
Daryl Russell
i am very glad to have finally won i been entering prize grab for so many years & have never won anything I would like to win some thing else i'll just keep entering Thanks Robert Chattanooga TN - Robert H.
Thanks, this will help! - Freddie Q.
Thank you so much prize grab I play faithfully every day - Sharon F.
Thanks for the fun. - Joseph F.
Thank you! - Vicki S.
I've been entering daily since last July. I am thrilled to finally win something! Cash is something I always need, I hope this is the beginning of more to come! Thank you VERY much, it is much appreciated! - Erika M.
Thank you, I was close to giving up, maybe some day a big prize...but this is great..I love Starbucks. - Dianne M.
I am amazed and very pleased. - DiAnna R.
Thank!!! Enjoy playing everyday! - Mark G.
I am so excited about winnings it just gives me more time to spend on Prize Grab thank you. - Phyllis W.
Hello PrizeGrab, This was a "complete shock as I only have a not-so-smartphone and after answering the survey, the unlocked Prize Wheel (only the Wheel) didn't show up-everything else did, background, words, pointer and spin wheel bar was all visible-but "no Wheel"! Oh, btw, this is at least the 3rd time this has happened and if I refresh my screen, it'll go directly to "you've exceeded the number of spins"-and I lost at least 3 doing that. Thank you VERY MUCH! - Randy C.
Thank you very much! - Michael C.
$10 Gift Card
Beth Hamm
I am so excited! Thank you prize grab! sue - Sue C.
$10 Gift Card
Anne Betts
$10 Gift Card
Judy Mulanax