
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Once again, thanks to all those at Prizegrab who work hard so we can have a little fun! - James W.
Thanks - Sylvia K.
Thank you so much, it's a thrill winning, even $12.00! I play alot, helps my brain, needs it since I'm 76 years old. Lol ! I have alot of time on my hands since I'm retired, but it does get annoying with all the stuff you throw in to slow down the entry process, I do have other things I should be doing, LOL. Keep up all your good work, again Thank You.. Lucinda - Lucinda C.
Thank you so much! Every little bit helps. - Linda C.
Thank you so much.. - Thomas W.
OMG I am so excited to have won this awesome prize! Thank you Prize Grab for being such an ethical company!!!!!! - Sylvia S.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Roy Gallion
$12.00 Daily Dozen Cash
Jimmy Lopez
Thank you - Patrick R.
It's awesome to win something after playing every day - Dennis S.
wow!!!! thanks!! - Michele C.
Thank you - Henrietta J.
You all are awesome ! Thank You So Much ! - REXFORD N.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Karl Wilkman
My first win with you. Thank you so much. I enjoy playing. Tom Washburn - Thomas W.
Thank you - Elizabeth W.
$12.00 Daily Dozen Cash
Cindy Jones
God bless I love winning. Jean Royer - Jean R.