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Thank you very much! I am a dedicated daily player and it is awesome to see that my efforts paid off! - Scott K.
Excellent, way to go! I am soooo happy. Thank you! Susan - Susan H.
$10 Gift Card
It's always exciting to win something! Thank you! - Linda W.
Thank You! Never believed I would WIN, but sure kept trying. 🤩 Thank You, Thank You! - Mary R.
Say, thanks a million haven't played for a while but yesterday something Just told me to get back to playing,and entering prize grab sweepstakes And wow look what happen I'm so proud of this that's why you should Never give up at all entering sweepstakes I'll put this money to good Use. Have a good day and winnings to all Kevin Hines. - Kevin H.
$10.00 Gift Card
Beth Titus
Awesome news! Thank you! - Arnold S.
thank you ,,, very much,, i am so excited,,, - Linda S.
Omg!!! Thanks so much this just made my day - Shamorra W.
OMG. I've been entering your sweepstakes for 2 + years and I actually won. Thank you very much. - Sherrilynn R.
Thanks! - Lyn L.
This is so exciting! I actually won! I love Prizegrab!!! Thank you! - Nanci S.
Thank you! Still working on a big win in the future. - Betty B.
$10.00 Gift Card
Susan Wennerberg
Thank you - Jodi B.
Thank-You so much for $10.00 Target gift card. Will be put to good use. - Gary W.
Thank you Prize grab! You made my day! - Lorraine K.