
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Al Shiflett
$10.00 Gift Card
Pamela Quirk
Thanks!! This was a nice surprise. Stay safe everyone. Dot Naumann - Dorothy N.
Now I am a true believer. And I will certainly continue to enter sweepstakes and hope to win a bigger prize! Thank you! - Debbie B.
Thank you for PrizeGrab. I play everyday. Winning once in a while, even if it is only a small prize, make it worthwhile. - Dennis K.
I never thought that clicking so much would pay off, but it did!!! Thank you so much, Prize Grab!!! - Richard N.
THANK YOU,VERY,VERY MUCH. I have been playing the Prize Grab game for many years and I finally won a prize. - George T.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Angela Bryant
WOW! Thank you so much! This is my first of lots of PrizeGrab wins - I'm sure! I'm so glad that I found PrizeGrab! Thanks for giving me (way too) much to do while listening to loud electronic or soothing classical music. - Jeri B.
Thank you Prizegrab! I’ve been entering everyday for over 3 years...and FINALLY! Not to be greedy, but I’m going to keep going. Bless you. Stay safe. Stay healthy. - Carmen O.
Thank you so much I have been playing since 2017 and this is my first win - Susan C.
THANK YOU,thank you,THANK YOU - Bob R.
Thank you. This is my second win. My first prize was some Nikes back in 2016. You guys are awesome! - Hilda G.
It is SOOOO exciting to win something!! Thank you!! - Barbara H.
I have been playing Prize Grab without missing a day for two years. I was excited to finally be able to say I won something!!! Thank you very much!!!!! - Melba A.
Thanks so much I can’t believe I finally won - Brunilda R.