
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Wow! Just the other day, I mentioned to my husband that I was feeling lucky & felt like I was going to win some money. Still feeling lucky, so I'll continue to enter to win prizes on as I do daily. Thank you, be safe & Happy Holidays. Dawn Johnson - Dawn J.
$10.00 Gift Card
Nice way to start my day! You made me smile. Thank you. Al - Alan O.
WOW! Thank you to all the Team Members of PRIZE GRAB. This prize will help me a lot. Target I'm on my way. - Annette J.
$10 Gift Card
Thomas Kohut
Than you so much. There are not enough words to express what an amazing blessing this is to our family! - Donna F.
I thought this is a haux but its true!! Thank you very much for that !! - Maria Lourdes D.
Yeah I am a winner - GEORGE W.
Thank you so much guys, it means a lot! Take care, be safe! - Alexandra D.
$10.00 Gift Card
William Brink
YAY! This will make Christmas that much better! Much needed in 2020 - Chad L.
Coo;! Thank You! - James L.
Thanks. It will be fun picking out something special at Target! - Shirley J.
Thank you for your notification on my winning - Mark A.
I'm so surprised and thrilled 😁. Thank you 💘 - Kathleen J.