
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
I have never won a major prize before ! I am very estatic at winning. Thank you Prize Grab ! - Heartley A.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
John Kimley
It's nice to win. Thank you. Wonderful surprise. - Kathy H.
Thanx! - Karen K.
Thanks , We do believe this is the second time we won with you guys .., again thaks a lot .. Maybe next time we win something bigger , in our family name .. Thanks Blessings Victor - Victor M.
This is the second time I have won a $10 gift certificate and i would like to thank you. I love entering all your sweepstakes and look forward to visiting Target to redeem my prize. Keep up the wonderful work you do in offering these prizes to all of us. Diane Burows - Diane B.
Thanks so much for all the prizes you have for me to win, I love your prizes - Timothy M.
Thanks for the Target $10 gift card. I play every day and am hoping for one of your bigger cash prizes to pay off some debt!. Thanks again . - Kathy S.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Shirley Johnson
Thank You so much~ Prize Grab Team!!! - Cathie S.
$10.00 Gift Card
Karl Wilkman
$10.00 Gift Card
Richard Hamrick
Wow! I actually won something! Fantastic and Thanks! First thing I have won since playing Prize Grab! Thanks! - Dave T.
Thank you SO much for the win! - Jolene H.
Thank you so much Prizegrab team. - Ingrid A.
I Love It! This is So very Nice. I enter Prizegrab daily or as much as I can. Enjoy this. Thanks much. Tonya Griever - Tonya G.
I cannot believe I won a $10 Target card after playing PRIZE GRAB for soooo many years.. WhoooHoooo!! Play PRIZE GRAB DAILY!!!! THANX THEQUEENOFHEARTS - Queenie S.